I-DELTA Architecture
This is Part 3 in a series on the I-DELTA project. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8.
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I-DELTA defines interoperability in the broader sense of the word, not only tackling low level interoperability between blockchains at transaction level, but also services that enable the creation of interoperable blockchain applications out of the box, such as for instance standards based Identity Management, or interoperability with the legacy world by means of oracles. Akin to high level programing languages, compared to assembly code, the I-DELTA platform provides a level of abstraction that enables the creation of the necessary ecosystem components to instantiate any blockchain use-case without much effort, ensuring that it is ready to automatically interoperate with other platforms that follow a specific set of standards. To this end, the architecture is divided into three main layers:
- Interoperability Layer: While different layers will be interoperability-ready, this layer is the backbone to enable interoperability between blockchains and legacy services. This includes an inter blockchain messaging bus, oracles for legacy integration as well as IoT.
- Common Services Layer: This layer includes common services that are typically required in conjunction with a blockchain application such as Identity, payment or AI. These services are to be developed with interoperability in mind, for instance, in the case of Identity, blockchain based identity using universal standards such as VCs and DIDs, resolvers, etc. are to be used independently of the underlying technology of implementation.
- Infrastructure Services Layer: This layer enables the spin off of different applications in a seamless manner without the burden of having to architect, compose and build systems manually. This layer provides specific low level services like a universal registry which functions as a way to resolve blockchain addresses across different blockchains, basic blockchain functionality such has timestamping and immutability and an SDK that enables an easy way to spin off infrastructure rapidly.

One of I-DELTA’s main innovation is to solve interoperability between different ledgers moving from isolated silos of computing to an “Internet of blockchains”, which will open the door to mainstream adoption of DLT. This adoption thereafter is going to create interoperable business, ability of diverse business processes to work together.
There are many obstacles arising from the nature of the ledgers such as handicap on smart contracts running on different DLTs simultaneously, presence of different DLTs for different consensus policies and presence of varied actual data for each DLT. We will overcome these problems by introducing a brand-new message and service-based layer to connect ledgers. The service layer is going to be a common interface for ledgers to communicate with other ledgers. It also will be responsible for receiving, hence checking authenticity and authorization of incoming data from common message bus and preparing for its own ledger network.
Another big step to achieve interoperability will be a distributed message bus. This layer which collects data from service layer is going to authenticate, authorize, transfer messages between DLTs will face some challenges like reliability, optimum redundancy however their solutions are going to be addressed and explained beyond SotA.
I-DELTA’s vision on Blockchain Interoperability is implementing seamless and generic solution that can be accepted by ledgers regardless of design rationale. SotA solutions such as Polkadot mainly focus on smart-contract interoperability. We build a multi-layer solution on top of a message bus that will be used by ledgers to communicate. We will focus on privacy and confidentiality via a separate layer enabling ZK commitments and proofs. This solution is more applicable and user-friendly because; 1) each use-case/application/company has its own ledger and a pub-sub pattern will enable multiple application and use-case types communicate via a different sub-channel, 2) establishing bridges between ledgers usually increases the finality time – which make the ledger management more expensive than it already is 3) such bridges need to be updated when the rule set on one of the end-point ledgers is updated, 4) each different chain has its own design; a different confirmation time, number of transactions supported etc. which makes hard to establish generic pair-wise channels, 5) interoperability requires a special treatment for privacy which has not been the main focus of existing interoperability efforts.
More specifically:
● Use DLT technology to lower cost, simplify management and provide transparent and secure IoT services in the smart communities, cities and enterprises. I-DELTA will use the key contributions of the existing solutions.
● Create a means for interoperability between DLTs that allows for distributed applications to instantiate specific parts of the workflow across different blockchains depending on the required result. For instance, linking a private supply chain DLT to a public payment DLT like Stellar or Bitcoin and automating complete workflows end to end. Although supply chain is one of the most popular use cases thanks to the advancements on IoT devices, usually the existing solutions propose to use their own tokens. With I-DELTA, one can easily build a DLT for a supply chain and combine it all the cryptocurrencies desired.
● With I-DELTA, the DLT will be advanced with IoT and fog-based technologies, including consensus protocol performance, privacy and trust keeping mechanisms, cross-chain communication, transaction throughput and validation procedure etc. General DLT models and architecture in the fog-cloud-based IoT system shall be developed with context-aware and scalable proof of work/stake/importance (PoW/S/I), ledger and smart contract mechanisms. I-DELTA will foster the development of DLT technology by applying it in different IoT application domains with different network infrastructures in order to handle performance and cross-chain communication related problems.
● A universal wallet-based identity software will be created to ensure a linkage between secure data, secure actions and individuals supporting confidential messages with ZK-enabled transaction technology. Currently, there is no widely accepted wallet solutions with such privacy and confidentiality awareness.
Business Innovation:
I-Delta is going to bring parties together in a trusted network without a third party and by recording each transaction sequentially and securely. As ecosystems develop around competing blockchain platforms, interaction between these platforms is essential for success and unlocking the value for the following business innovations:
● The ability for the state of an asset or data value to be consistent on two or more DLT platforms simultaneously
● Data element control to be transferable from one DLT platform to another with the confidence that its uniqueness and state are kept consistent
● The ability to audit, trace, and verify data elements across their full lifecycle and across DLT platforms
● Avoid the necessity of structural changes to the DLT systems that are to be included in the integrating networks
Overall main innovation brought through I-Delta is going to be interoperable business by interoperable ledgers, which is going to solve critical industry challenges by joining business networks, reproduce platform for new business models, and create trusted applications for I-Delta’s industrial use cases.
This is Part 3 in a series on the I-DELTA project. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8.
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